Welcome to Graphics Realization Lab
25` Paper Accepted in WACV
Bumsoo Kim, Wonseop Shin, Kyuchul Lee, Yonghoon Jung, Sanghyun Seo, Make VLM Recognize Visual Hallucination on Cartoon Character Image with Pose Information WACV`25 (Accepted)
24` Paper Accepted in IEEE Access
S. U. Amin, M. S. Abbas, B. Kim, Y. Jung and S. Seo, Enhanced Anomaly Detection in Pandemic Surveillance Videos: An Attention Approach with EfficientNet-B0 and CBAM Integration, IEEE Access (IF 3.4, Top 34.4%)
24` Paper Accepted in AIS
S. U. Amin, B. Kim, Y. Jung, S. Seo and S. Park, Video Anomaly Detection Utilizing Efficient Spatiotemporal Feature Fusion with 3D Convolutions and Long Short-Term Memory Modules, Advanced Intelligent Systemss (IF7.3, Top 13.1%)
24` Paper Accepted in TIIS
W. shin, J. Yoo, B. Kim, Y. Jung, S. Muhammad, Y. Parrk and S. Seo, Generating 3D Digital Twins of Real Indoor Spaces based on Real-World Point Cloud Data KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems & Sciences
24` Paper Accepted in CMES
B. Kim, W. Shin, Y. Jung, Y. Park and S. Seo, Explicitly Color-Inspired Neural Style Transfer Using Patchified AdaIN, CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences
24` Paper Accepted in CVPR 2024 Workshop on AI4CC
Bumsoo Kim, Abdul Muqeet, Kyuchul Lee, Sanghyun Seo, ToonAging: Face Re-Aging upon Artistic Portrait Style Transfer, CVPR 2024 Workshop on AI4CC
24` Paper Accepted in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Yonghoon Jung, Sanghyun Byun, Bumsoo Kim, Sareer Ul Amin and Sanghyun Seo, Harnessing Synthetic Data for Enhanced Detection of Pine Wilt Disease: A Image Classification Approach, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (IF8.3, Top 0.9%)
23` Paper Accepted in NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on ML4CD
Bumsoo Kim, Sanghyun Byun, Yonghoon Jung, Weonseop Shin, Sareer UI Amin, Sanghyun Seo, Minecraft-ify: Minecraft Style Image Generation with Text-guided Image Editing for In-Game Application, NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on ML4CD (Spotlight)
Research Interests
- Generative AI and Convergence
- Object and Behavior Detection
- XR Immersive Media Applications
- CG-based immersive media and digital twin to express the virtual world
- Computer vision for analysis, recognition, 3D reconstruction with 2D images
We are always looking for researchers who share the following values:
- A strong desire and determination to solve problems and explore solutions
- Diligence and sustainability
- The joy of intellectual discovery through problem-solving
- Fundamental respect and courtesy
- Feel free to apply at any time. We wish you happiness and fulfillment in your journey.